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out url icon Recercat The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter: An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank Freixa Casals, Anna ; Rubol, Simonetta ; Carles-Brangari, Albert ; Fernandez Garcia, Daniel ; Butturini, Andrea ; Sánchez Vila, Xavier ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter: An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter: An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank Freixa Casals, Anna ; Rubol, Simonetta ; Carles-Brangari, Albert ; Fernandez Garcia, Daniel ; Butturini, Andrea ; Sánchez Vila, Xavier ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter: An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank Freixa Casals, Anna ; Rubol, Simonetta ; Carles Brangari, Albert ; Fernandez Garcia, Daniel ; Butturini, Andrea ; Sánchez Vila, Xavier ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 abril 2015 The effects of sediment depth and oxygen concentration on the use of organic matter: An experimental study using an infiltration sediment tank Freixa Casals, Anna ; Rubol, Simonetta ; Carles Brangari, Albert ; Fernandez Garcia, Daniel ; Butturini, Andrea ; Sánchez Vila, Xavier ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
out url icon Recercat Effects of size and sex on swimming performance and metabolism of invasive mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Srean, Pao ; Almeida, David ; Rubio Gracia, Francesc Manel ; Luo, Yiping ; Luo, Yiping ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2016 Effects of size and sex on swimming performance and metabolism of invasive mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Srean, Pao ; Almeida Real, David ; Rubio Gracia, Francesc Manel ; Luo, Yiping ; Luo, Yiping ; García-Berthou, Emili
out url icon Recercat The effects of small fish presence on a species-poor community dominated by omnivores: Example of a size-based trophic cascade Compte Ciurana, Jordi ; Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie ; Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Boix Masafret, Dani
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 maig 2012 The effects of small fish presence on a species-poor community dominated by omnivores: Example of a size-based trophic cascade Compte Ciurana, Jordi ; Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie ; Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Boix Masafret, Dani
out url icon Recercat Effects of Warming on Stream Biofilm Organic Matter Use Capabilities Ylla i Monfort, Irene ; Canhoto, Cristina ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Effects of Warming on Stream Biofilm Organic Matter Use Capabilities Ylla i Monfort, Irene ; Canhoto, Cristina ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.
out url icon Recercat Emergent Macrophytes Act Selectively on Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea Trias Mansilla, Rosalia ; Ruiz Rueda, Olaya ; García Lledó, Arantzazu ; Vilar Sanz, Ariadna ; López i Flores, Rocío ; Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Hallin, Sara ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Emergent Macrophytes Act Selectively on Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea Trias Mansilla, Rosalia ; Ruiz Rueda, Olaya ; García Lledó, Arantzazu ; Vilar Sanz, Ariadna ; López i Flores, Rocío ; Quintana Pou, Xavier ; Hallin, Sara ; Bañeras Vives, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation Serrat Llinàs, Alba ; Pons Ferran, Pere ; Puig Gironès, Roger ; Stefanescu, C.
out url icon Recercat Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation Serrat Llinàs, Alba ; Pons Ferran, Pere ; Puig Gironès, Roger ; Stefanescu, C.
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation Serrat Llinàs, Alba ; Pons Ferran, Pere ; Puig Gironès, Roger ; Stefanescu, C.
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Environmental factors influencing butterfly abundance after a severe wildfire in Mediterranean vegetation Serrat Llinàs, Alba ; Pons Ferran, Pere ; Puig-Gironès, Roger ; Stefanescu, C.
out url icon Recercat Erratum: Global pressures, specific responses: effects of nutrient enrichment in streams from different biomes Artigas Alejo, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Bauer, Delia E. ; Castro, Maria I. ; Cochero, Joaquin ; Colautti, Darío C. ; Cortelezzi, Agustina ; Donato, Jhon Charles ; Elosegi, Arturo ; Feijóo, Claudia ; Giorgi, Adonis ; Gómez, Nora ; Leggieri, Leonardo ; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; Rodrigues-Capítulo, Alberto ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Sabater, Sergi
out url icon Recercat Erratum: Global pressures, specific responses: effects of nutrient enrichment in streams from different biomes Artigas Alejo, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Bauer, Delia E. ; Castro, Maria I. ; Cochero, Joaquin ; Colautti, Darío C. ; Cortelezzi, Agustina ; Donato, Jhon Charles ; Elosegi, Arturo ; Feijóo, Claudia ; Giorgi, Adonis ; Gómez, Nora ; Leggieri, Leonardo ; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; Rodrigues-Capítulo, Alberto ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Sabater, Sergi
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Erratum: Global pressures, specific responses: effects of nutrient enrichment in streams from different biomes
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Erratum: Global pressures, specific responses: effects of nutrient enrichment in streams from different biomes Artigas Alejo, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Bauer, Delia E. ; Castro, Maria I. ; Cochero, Joaquin ; Colautti, Darío C. ; Cortelezzi, Agustina ; Donato, Jhon Charles ; Elosegi, Arturo ; Feijóo, Claudia ; Giorgi, Adonis ; Gómez, Nora ; Leggieri, Leonardo ; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; Rodrigues-Capítulo, Alberto ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Sabater, Sergi
doc icon DUGiDocs 25 gener 2013 Erratum: Global pressures, specific responses: effects of nutrient enrichment in streams from different biomes Artigas Alejo, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Bauer, Delia E. ; Castro, Maria I. ; Cochero, Joaquin ; Colautti, Darío C. ; Cortelezzi, Agustina ; Donato Rondón, John Ch. ; Elosegi, Arturo ; Feijóo, Claudia ; Giorgi, Adonis ; Gómez, Nora ; Leggieri, Leonardo ; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; Rodrigues-Capítulo, Alberto ; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. ; Sabater, Sergi
out url icon Recercat És possible una geografia profunda?: una aproximació de l’ecologia profunda a la geografia Macias Arau, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2016 És possible una geografia profunda?: una aproximació de l’ecologia profunda a la geografia Macias Arau, Miquel
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